today i overheard two kids say michael jackson was stupid.
i then realized that was the first time since his "homicide" that someone had actually said a negative thing about him.
i guess this jacko craze is over with and people will slowly start to remember the guy who wore pajamas to court.
it's sad that it took his death for the world to remember how wonderful of an artist he was.
i personally knew all along.
speaking of kids....
what happened to the show kids say the darndest things??
because i work with kids and they really DO say the darndest things!
a reality show was created that actually was centered around people that deserve the attention and that you won't find on the cover of people magazine dancing on tables and the whole world tries to forget it ever existed like it was the holocaust!
hitler had nothing to do with this insanely hilarious show! it was bill cosby.
he is the black man on the cosby show with the catchy jokes that not only entertain but teach lessons. he is a genious. a genious!!
they don't even show reruns of kids say the darndest things!
this is something we should be in war over!
i then realized that was the first time since his "homicide" that someone had actually said a negative thing about him.
i guess this jacko craze is over with and people will slowly start to remember the guy who wore pajamas to court.
i personally knew all along.
speaking of kids....
what happened to the show kids say the darndest things??
because i work with kids and they really DO say the darndest things!
a reality show was created that actually was centered around people that deserve the attention and that you won't find on the cover of people magazine dancing on tables and the whole world tries to forget it ever existed like it was the holocaust!
hitler had nothing to do with this insanely hilarious show! it was bill cosby.
he is the black man on the cosby show with the catchy jokes that not only entertain but teach lessons. he is a genious. a genious!!
they don't even show reruns of kids say the darndest things!
this is something we should be in war over!