i would like to dedicate this to heidi montag

all of the monday nights spent on the couch watching truly interesting episodes of the hills (truly), all of the magazine covers containing her over-collagened lips i had to shield my eyes from in line at wal-mart, all of the minutes spent replaying my recording of E! news to finally realize that giuliana DID say what i thought she had said (heidi finally stopped crying over lauren and tied the knot with spencer!)

all of this time and Heidi Montag FINALLY does something that inspires me to be a better person. WOAH! i know i sound insane but stay with me here. facebook isn't going anywhere. keep reading please.

to fully understand my revelation one would have to hear the whole story:

my mom's idea of family bonding is us sitting on the couch watching one of her intolerable t.v. shows. (big brother, young and the restless....you get the idea)

mom: "let's watch miss universe tonight!!" me: "is that your final answer??" and little did i know there was heidi skipping around and lip syncing naked. i was astonished! really, really, really astonished. and once i realized that she was actually not naked but actually wearing a skin-toned body suit thing, i calmed down. really donald trump? is this what you define as good entertainment? a good performance? is this what you jam to in your "trump tower"??

watching the mess that was heidi montag, i started to have heart palpitations. mom: "she's not bad, you are just judging her because you are a dancer" me: "no mom, i am judging her because she sucks!"

i needed to vent! i needed to discuss this with someone! that is when i got the idea to blog. with a little encouragement from my friend anna, and a newly purchased dell inspiron, opinions of a lactose intolerant was created.

THANK YOU HEIDI MONTAG!! this blog is just what i have been needing.

ever had heart palpitations?? they are just a click away..... http://showhype.com/video/heidi_montag_body_language_live_miss_universe_pageant/


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